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Ever felt it hard to stay motivated? Like the world just doesn’t want you to drum?

I hear you. I definitely have. We ALL have.

That’s why ‘isolation is the enemy of excellence’.

Getting in a group of like minded drummers to motivate and inspire you through the dark times is the key.

To help us with this, we had on David Bowie’s drummer Mike Hodges on to talk about his over 55 years of drumming experience! He shares what he does right when he wakes up, and last thing before going to bed to keep the spark alive.

Here we play the LONG GAME. With every passing year, we want to feel more excited to play, to learn, and to face the challenges ahead.

Enjoy this very special live group masterclass with Mike Hodges!

(NOTE: Right after we finished, I reached out the thank him. Here’s his response: ‘My pleasure Chris! What a cool group of drummers! Thanks for inviting me to experience the beauty and wisdom of the drumming community yet again. Love to you all!’)